Wildcamp travel app

Oktober 2020.





WildCamp is a platform focused on road tripping, Especially wild camping. There is nothing more exiting than traveling the world and sleeping at the most beautiful places under the stars or of course safely in your tent. But finding a spot can be hard and time consuming. 

To solve this problem I designed an app  where you can find out in advance where great wild camping spots are on the route. It is important that the adventure stays, that’s why the places you discoverer on the app are of course without facilities and are not always completely legal … oops. 

Grade: 8

The whole app explained


Before the trip

With the application you and your friends look in advance for wild camping spots in the area that you are traveling through. You indicate what kind of place you are looking for and point out the route.The application will then give suggestions on suitable places to camp. These spots are provided by the use of a API.

During the trip

During the roadtrip you realize that a planned spot cannot be reached because it is still too far to drive to the spot. No worries. The application shows the nearby wild camping spots, which you can go to instead. In addition, the app indicates every day on the home screen which wild camping spot is scheduled for today.

After the trip

When the road trip is over you can  look back at the places you have visited and share this with other people, leave a review  if you want.

Customer journey

Design process


After research I started designing the app. After every version I tested the interface on a few people. With that data I improved the interface to be more suitable for its users.  

Try the prototype app

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